Banjul, October 2020: IHRDA's has submitted a report on the protection of victims of enforced disappearances in The Gambia to ACHPR’s Working Group on Death…
Banjul, October 2020: IHRDA's has submitted an Alternative Report to the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances on the state of implementation of the Convention for…
Banjul, 16 February 2021: IHRDA and Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law (CARL) are organizing a human rights strategic litigation training and case-identification workshop…
Banjul, 26 January 2021: IHRDA and Centre de Documentation et de Formation sur les Droits de l’Homme (CDFDH) organized from 26-28 January 2021 a human…
Banjul, 26 January 2021 IHRDA, in collaboration with Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Africa Regional Office - Accra, organized from 26 – 28 January 2021 a…
Avenues for Victims of Enforced Disappearances in The Gambia: Litigating in the African System against impunity - Eric Bizimana 23.12.2020 In Africa, enforced disappearances occur…
The Approach to Implementation of the Kilwa Decision: Communication 393/10–IHRDA and Others v. DRC (2016) Abstract States are required to implement decisions adopted by human…
Honourable Chairperson and Members of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, State Party Delegates, Civil Society Representatives, Ladies…