Banjul, 18 May 2021: IHRDA is organizing a 2-day international conference on good practices in the search of disappeared persons and victims of extrajudicial killing…
Honourable Chairperson and Commissioners of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Honourable State Delegates, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Institute for Human…
Banjul, 15 April 2021: IHRDA is inviting interested and qualified lawyers and civil society actors to apply to participate in a strategic litigation and case…
Banjul, 13 April 2021: IHRDA, in collaboration with Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture section du Tchad (ACAT/TCHAD), is organizing from 13 –…
ABUJA, Nigeria, 12 April 2021 – Leading women’s rights organizations in Mali have jointly filed a case at the Economic Community of West African States…
Banjul, 24 March 2021: IHRDA and Association des Femmes Juristes de Côte d’Ivoire (AFJCI) are organizing a 2-day women’s rights strategic litigation training workshop, 24-25…
Banjul, 17 March 2021: IHRDA (on behalf of Changement Social Bénin) has filed a case against the Republic of Benin before the ECOWAS Court, challenging…
Banjul, October 2020: IHRDA's has submitted a report on the protection of victims of enforced disappearances in The Gambia to ACHPR’s Working Group on Death…